Seminar: A journal of Germanic Studies
Wed, 3 Dec 1997 13:33:20 CDT
Seminar: A journal of Germanic Studies
Special Issue : November 1997
<Recent German Film>
Guest Editors: Ute Lischke-Mcnab & Kathryn Hanson
German film has recently experienced a domestic boom, the nature of
which raises questions about commercialisation and artistic
integrity, but also renews the debate the validity of social and
political critique within the mass emdium of cinema. This Special
Issue of Seminar addresses developments in German film since the
fall of the Berlin Wall and relates them to the demise of the New
German Cinema.
The Articles in this issue discuss the New German Comedy (David
Coury), Women's Cinema in the Nineties (Temby Caprio), The
Dissolution of the GDR in DEFA Ducumentaries (Karen Ritzenhoff),
Fassbinder's Dialectic of Enlightenment (Anthony Kinik), Overcoming
the Past(s) in Film since the Wende (John Davidson), Adlon's
Salmnberries (Ingeborg Majer O'Sickey), Cohen's Architektur des
Untergangs (Ruth Bethman), and Schroeter's Malina (Brethman).
Reviews of books on German Film: Kracauer, Kaes, Silberman, Brecht as
Director, Kafka as film-goer, etc.
All articles are in English: 160s, $10.00 (includes tax and postage)
Mail this order form to :University of Toronto Pres, Journals Department, 5201
Dufferin Street, North York, Ontario, Canada M3H 5T8
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