Re: Music Video education
Thu, 7 Dec 1995 19:14:57 -0500
You don't really need any SPECIFIC training besides normal production
techniques to make music videos, but one thing you should know before
venturing into this realm of production is this:
Learn how to do EVERYTHING in ONE day with HALF the money and people you
think you will need.
having worked on SEVERAL music videos as eithe the Gaffer or DP I can
tell you that unless you're doing a well-promoted/financed/signed artist,
you'll have to scrape by with less than what you need and most of the art
will be just getting it done before the crew drops from exaustion or
revolts from the hours worked at a flat rate....
just mho
[ Mike Sime ] It's not the time it takes to
[ Video Schmideo! ]
take the takes, it's the time it
[[log in to unmask]] takes BETWEEN the takes, that
[[log in to unmask] ] takes the time to take the takes.
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