In Media Res - Pokemon Go
Mon, 17 Oct 2016 12:01:40 +0000
This week's In Media Res theme focus is Pokémon Go (October 17 - 21).
Here's the lineup:
Monday, October 17 - Edmond Chang (University of Oregon) presents "Pokémon Go, Queer Spaces, and Queer Contact."
Tuesday, October 18 - Katharine McCain (Ohio State University) presents "Gotta Catch On: Intertextuality and the Popularity of Pokémon Go."
Wednesday, October 19 - Alenda Chang (University of California, Santa Barbara) presents "Where the Wi-Fi Ends."
Thursday, October 20 - Ethan Tussey (Georgia State University) presents "Pokémon Go as Routine."
Friday, October 21 - Colin Wheeler (Georgia State University) presents "Pokémon Go and Augmented Reality."
Theme week organized by Colin Wheeler (Georgia State University).
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