Re: Welles films as B-movies
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 03:05:51 -0500
Touch of Evil was released on the bottom half of a 3 week double bill (at
least according to Peter Bogdanovich). I wouldn't think that Lady from
Shanghai was but it is possible that it was moved to the bottom half after
it was evident that it was going to be a flop but I'm only guessing here.
Figure Jonathan Rosenbaum would know.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Film and TV Studies Discussion List
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Lang Thompson
> Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 10:50 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Welles films as B-movies
> There was an inquiry recently about whether any Welles films had actually
> been released as the B portion of a double bill. I asked Welles scholar
> Jonathan Rosenbaum and he says that he knows The Magnificent Ambersons was
> on the bottom of a double bill below Mexican Spitfire Sees a Ghost (!) in
> LA. He says he's never heard of it happening with any other Welles films
> though it's possible that Touch of Evil was as the rumors have
> often stated
> and that it's extremely unlikely that The Trial was ever released at the
> bottom of a bill. Does anybody have more concrete info either way?
> LT
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