Call for Responses: Flow 2018 (September 27th-29th, Austin, TX)
Tue, 10 Apr 2018 09:55:46 -0500
*With the casualization of labor and the instability of the job market,
precarity has become an increasingly pressing issue for both the media
industries and the academy. Equally precarious is the state of
preservation, as the production and circulation of media content outstrips
the resources and workforce assigned to preserve it. Woven throughout and
between precarity and preservation is praxis, the ways in which labor,
strategy, and skill are marshaled to combat these threats in the industry
and in academia. As such, the 2018 Flow Conference, to be held September
27-29th at the University of Texas at Austin, has chosen to focus on this
tripartite theme of precarity, preservation, and praxis.After soliciting
questions from the Flow community, we’re pleased to announce this year’s
roundtable questions <>
centered on a rich assortment of related topics and issues surrounding: -
Access & archives- Authorship & authority- History & materiality- Labor &
compensation- Pedagogy & praxis- Policy & politics- Identity & nationality-
Transcultural flows & borders- Precarity & professionalization- Technology
& ephemeralityFor the full list of questions and complete details on the
conference and submission process, please visit the Flow Conference website
<>. We invite responses to
the roundtable questions in the form of a brief (150-word) abstract. To
ensure full consideration, please submit your abstract by Sunday, May 20 at
5 PM (CST). We will notify all participants via email in mid-June. Upon
acceptance, respondents will be asked to expand their abstract to a 600-800
word position paper that will be due in late August 2018.Please direct any
questions or concerns to [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]>. *
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