Celebrity Studies Journal Issue 10.1 Released
Mon, 11 Mar 2019 20:38:26 -0500
Celebrity Studies Journal Issue 10.1 is now available online
Special issue editors Ana Cristina Mendes and Lisa Perrott have gathered a range of articles exploring David Bowie and his influence on a variety of arenas including celebrity studies, fashion, academic fandom, and the transmedial.
See below for the list of articles, and check out the full papers online at https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcel20/10/1?nav=tocList
Constellating stardom, Berlin-style: Bowie, Christiane F, Hedi Slimane
Susan Ingram
Football, fashion and unpopular culture: David Bowie’s influence on Liverpool Football Club casuals 1976-79
Mairi MacKenzie
Celebrity conferences as confessional spaces: the aca-fan memory traces of David Bowie’s stardom
Toija Cinque
Is Bowie our Kierkegaard? : A theory of Agency in Fandom
Amedeo D’Adamo
‘Oh man, I need TV when I got T. Rex’: Bowie and Bolan’s otherworldly carnivalesque intermediality
Alison Blair
Telling lies: the interviews of David Bowie
Elizabeth McCarthy
Transition transmission: media, seriality and the Bowie-Newton matrix
Dene October
Time is out of joint: the transmedial hauntology of David Bowie
Lisa Perrott
‘Look up here, I’m in heaven’: how visual and performance artist David Jones called attention to his physical death
Gareth Schott
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