Films about Eugenics (Early 20th Cent) inquiry
Sun, 11 Jun 2006 19:26:31 -0400
Dear List:
I'm planning a course about the Eugenics movement in America, covering,
race, disability, and sexuality. I'm trying to confine most of the readings
and screenings to pre-1945, except for a look at genetics, a la Gattaca,
and probably X-Men (if Last Stand's on DVD by late Fall). Besides Birth of
A Nation, and In The White Man's Image, can anyone think of good films to
use that have eugenics as theme either at forefront or as undercurrent, in
relation to race/dis/sex pre-1945? The course is a thematic freshman
composition course, not a film course, so I'm more interested in things
they can discuss more thematically, rather than within a trajectory of film
studies discourse.
Johnson Cheu
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Dr. Johnson Cheu
Visiting Assistant Professor
Dept. of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Michigan State University
235 Bessey Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-2553 (Office)
(517) 355-2400 (Dept.) (517) 353-5250 (Fax)
Poetry/Fiction Editor
Disability Studies Quarterly
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