Re: Ishtar
Fri, 7 Jun 1996 08:27:09 -0500
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler. For further info, contact
[log in to unmask] (Victor G Catano).
-----------------------------original message----------------------------
Author: [log in to unmask] (Victor G Catano)
Date: 6/7/96 4:37 AM
Just a personal note on this Ishtar thread: I went to see this movie as
my very first date, when I was a wee lad of fourteen. Sigh...
Since then, I have taken the public failure of the film as an omen for my
own woeful romantic life. Sigh...
For the record, my then girfriend and I both liked the film a lot,
laughing hysterically at the nightclub scenes where Hoffman and Beatty try
to sing. I really don't understand the terrible press it got. (Even Gene
Shalit hated it, tagging it with the witty "Ishtar Ish Tarrible!" in his
review. Bet he lost sleep trying to think that one up.) I mean, even
Waterworld got the odd good review.
Anyway, you should rent this one if you haven't seen it. It's worth your
two dollars. It's gotten a lot of bad publicity, but it's really pretty
good if you give it a chance! (And if that's not a metaphor for my love
Victor Catano
SUNY at Buffalo
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