Re: Movie production credits
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 17:53:30 +0100
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From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 22 April 1999 15:55
Subject: Re: Movie production credits
Hi Scott,
>It couldn't have been until the late sevenites. After _Star Wars_. There
>are a lot of uncredited cast memebers on _Star Wars_. The bartender who
>says "We don't serve their kind in here!" is one of them. There are a lot
>listed on the IMDb. _Jaws_'s credits are incredibly short--much shorter
>than I would expect them to be by today's standards.
The IMDB (Independent Movie Data Base) allows people who either have
knowledge about, or were connected to, a film to add information. Therefore
if my aunty Effel.... (which incidently I don't have one) .... had told me
that she had worked as a tea lady on the film *Jaws... I would be able to
add her name to the credits myself.... even though she may not have been
truthful. I have in the past had to correct data on this site, including a
complete bibliography, although most of its data is probably correct not
all of it is.
If you are seriously researching film credits I would suggest using the
official production, or distribution, company's web sites. A web search
should locate them easily for you, otherwise go to and press the *film buffs*
hyperlink. This will take you to hyperlinks for most of the major film
Another valuable source used to be the microsoft *Cinemania* cd roms.....
however they were withdrawn so the most recent would be Cinemania 97....
some shops still have copies....otherwise ask your friends ;-))
hope this helps,
Julia C. Rice
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