----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>Does anyone know where I could find (to rent for classroom use) a 16mm
>>print of Red Ball Express, an animated film made without a camera by
>>Steve Siegal. USC has one in their archives but doesn't rent it out.
>>Or does anyone know where I could find Steve Siegal?
>>Marti *** [log in to unmask] *** Film Studies Program
Richard leskosky mentioned Picture Start & indeed Red Ball Express is still
in their catalog. Picture Start's ph. 312 326-6233
Good luck
Stephen O'Riordan Curator/Archivist
Film/Video Library
Media Center, UCSD
9500 Gilman Dr.
La Jolla, CA 92093-0504
Tel: 619/534-7981 Fax: 619/534-7180
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