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June 2015, Week 2


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Sue Matheson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 Jun 2015 16:37:11 -0500
text/plain (18 lines)
The Journal of Popular Film and Television has books that are in need of reviewers. 

 If you are interested in reviewing for JPF&T, please e-mail me a brief statement of your qualifications and interests (no CVs or resumes, please!) and the postal address.  I’ll send you a list of the books I have to be reviewed.  Since more than one person might "claim" a book, it would be best if you sent me a rank-ordered list (1 = top choice) of three or four books.  I’ll match you up with a suitable text and email you a copy of the JPF&T’s requirements concerning style and formatting.

The deadline for reviews is typically 45 days after you receive the book but this can be adjusted somewhat to suit your schedule.  You may e-mail your review to me either as a MS Word attachment or as text within the body of an e-mail message.  JPF&T does not accept previously published reviews, including ones posted on the web.  

If you have a book already in hand that you believe would be "review-worthy" for the JPF&T, please check with me before you begin.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Sue Matheson ([log in to unmask])
Book Review Editor, JPF&T

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