Scripts & transcripts - where to find them?
Wed, 5 May 1993 11:15:00 PDT
Script City
8033 Sunset Blvd., Suite #1500
Hollywood, California 90046 tel: (213) 871-0707
they are far from complete but they do have an extensive collection
of produced, but unpublished screenplays for feature films ($24.95-
$26.95 (1992 prices, I haven't ordered since)), Television movies
($24.95), and television series ($16.95). The prices are before
tax and shipping, naturally, and what they do is take orders, and
then photocopy them all at once every two weeks and then mail them.
If you want them to do it faster and ship it UPS or Priority Mail
so you will get it faster, then there are extra charges. It can
become expensive, but reliable. For instance, I needed a copy of
*Dr. Strangelove* to put on reserve for a class, and to get it in
four days cost me $33 and change--that included the script, tax,
and shipping. They take orders over the phone, if you'll give them
your credit card number. They also carry a few treatments, some
story boards, posters, stills, audio-cassettes of radio shows,
and some published screenplays. You can order a catalog from them
for $2 to give you an idea of their stock, but it's just as easy to
call them and ask if they have what you want, since they are continuously
adding titles.
Larry Edmunds Bookshop
6644 Hollywood Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90028 tel: (213) 463-3273
This is a long established Hollywood bookstore that deals exclusively
in materials film and television--published screenplays, books and books
and books--how-to, industry directories, biographies, and critical
studies--as well as photo-stills and posters. What they don't have
they can order, and they take orders over the phone with credit card
numbers. They've shippped reliably and quickly to me in the past,
when I've been to lazy to drive down there to fight for parking. They
do not deal in unpublished screenplays, only the published ones.
Samuel French's Theatre and Film Bookshop
7623 Sunset Blvd
Hollywood, CA 90046 tel: (213) 876-0570
This was first a theater bookshop (since French's is one of the
major American publishers and distributors of play scripts) but has
a huge part of their shop devoted to film books. They are not
devoted to critical studies, but one of their recent ads listed the
The business of Film * Industry Directories * Screenwriting *
Screenplays * Directing * Biographies & Studies of Film Directors *
Editing * Cinematography * Lighting * Continuity * Animation *
Special Effects * Makeup * Acting
What you would expect would sell in this town. They, too, like the
ol' credit cards. Once again, they deal in published, not the
unpublished-though-produced screenplays. I've only purchased in-store
there, never ordered over the phone, but I would bet they are reliable.
They've been here for a while, and even longer in New York (212/
Raymond Soto