Re: latin american media
Tue, 28 Mar 1995 16:18:11 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> You say Schiller's model is based on "the crudest conception of audien-
ces. Indeed, Schiller may be (he is) a "dependista", but who did
research to prove the contrary ? Of course, I know the theory of "a more
balanced television flow", some even talk about reverse media imperialism
referring to the exports of mexican and brazilian telenovelas. I also
know that worldwide people prefer national programs to imported
Where do I find the results of reception research in Latin America ?
Some scholars argue the telenovela is a latinised copy of US-series.
What does the telenovela mean to the brazilian viewer, to the mexicans, ...
and what does "Melrose Place" mean to them.
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> The first thing I'd suggest is expanding your theoretical base beyond
> Schiller's "classical" cultural imperialism/media imperialism model,
> which I find reductive and paternalistic, with only the crudest
> conception of audiences and patterns of reception (i.e., it's pretty much
> the post-Frankfurt School mass culture picture of viewers as drooling,
> passive slaves of the culture industry).
> As a corrective, a good place to start is John Tomlinson, Cultural
> Imperialism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, @1992). And there has been
> some publication on telenovelas in English-language journals--somebody
> want to post specific citations?
> Steve Fore
> U of N Texas
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