Re: Translating foreign films
Mon, 16 Dec 1996 12:32:32 -0600
At 12:05 PM 12/16/96, eva katz wrote:
Another Israeli invention is broadcasting the same chapter
>twice during the week - once with subtitles and once dubbed.
That reminds me of how the Japanese, pioneers in so many things with
educated consumers in mind, will use the capacity of stereo broadcasting to
assign "primay" and "secondary" channels to the audio. Foreign films shown
in Japan will therefore oftentimes have the Japanese-dubbed soundtrack on
the primary channel; the original-language soundtrack on the secondary
channel. You can also, of course, choose to hear both simultaneously.
Similarly, with the blind TV viewer in mind, the secondary channel for
Japanese-language broadcasts will sometimes have voice-over narration
describing everything that one with sight can see on the screen. There are
such things in the US, but as far as I know, they have "married" the
voice-over to the single dialgue track so that you cannot get rid of the
voiceover. This is, in a sense, a kind of "translation" also.
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