One-year graduate courses in USA/Canada?
Sun, 5 Nov 2000 18:20:39 +0100
I am currently studying Filmwissenschaft (film studies) in Mainz,
Germany. Next fall, I would like to go abroad for one year.
My question is: Are there any graduate schools in the US or Canada where
it is possible to achieve an academic degree (M.A.) in film studies/film
history & criticism within this one year?
I know it is possible in the UK, where they would also accept my
"Zwischenprüfung" (German exam you take after half time, usually two
years) as an equivalent to a B.A.
Next fall, I will have been studying film for three years and will also
have taken a number of advanced-level courses. So even if the program
normally lasts two years, maybe I could be given advanced standing.
If you can give me a hint, please contact me via
mailto:[log in to unmask]
Thank you,
Klaus Bardenhagen
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