Global Mythology and World Cinema (updated call-for-papers)
Tue, 9 Nov 2010 17:02:57 +0000
Apologies for Cross-Posting, and please forward on to anyone you think might
be interested.
*Global Mythologies and World Cinema*
Edited by Mikel J. Koven (University of Worcester)
Updated Call for Papers
*Global Mythology and World Cinema* will be a collection of essays which
discuss how a variety of world cinemas use their own indigenous cultural
mythologies. The function of these myths and their filmic counterparts will
vary from culture-to-culture and from film-to-film. The collection will
argue against the extant paradigm of “mythic cinema”, wherein the term
“myth,” co-opted by Jungians and Campbellians, refers to any vague perceived
universal archetype. This collection will be about cultural specificity, not
universal generalizations, regarding the sacred and how that sacred is
manifested in world cinema.
We have already received several statements of interest in this project and
are now looking to expand the call-for-papers to include specifically the
following areas for in-depth papers (approximately between 8000-10, 000
words) exploring the indigenous mythic visions from the following cultural
groups’ cinemas:
· Latin America
· Native American
· European, specifically Eastern-European
· African
· The Arab Worlds
· And Maori & Australian Aboriginal cultures
While an academic publisher has been approached, and interest in the
collection has been expressed, we are just about to begin writing the formal
book proposal document.
If you are interested in joining us on this project, please send formal
chapter proposals (of 300-words), along with a short (150-word) biography of
yourself – including university affiliation, expertise and previous
publications, by *1 January, 2011 *to Mikel J. Koven
([log in to unmask]). Essay
submission will be required around 30 June, 2011.
Mikel J. Koven
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- Juvenal (Satires VI)
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