BAFTSS Screening Sex SIG
Thu, 7 Sep 2017 06:09:39 -0500
Dear All,
Myself and Dr. Donna Peberdy are convening a BAFTSS Screening Sex Special Interest Group and are looking for colleagues interested in joining us. Our aim is primarily focussed on the critical examination sexual cultures and the screen in all its forms. Please take a look at our academic blog which provides a good indication of our approach (the latest posts went live today - see below for details).
We intend to offer support and consolidation for research projects and publications as well as provide a space for networking opportunities, conference and symposia activity.
Please drop us a line at [log in to unmask] or follow and dm us via twitter @screeningsex. You simply need to be a paid-up member of BAFTSS and have an interest in being an active member of the group.
very best,
Darren and Donna
P.S. Thanks to all of you who have already signed up!
New on the Screening Sex blog
Our September posts are now up on the Screening Sex blog! This month:
-Ellen Wright on Bettie Page, performance and her collaborations with Irving and Paul Klaw
-An interview with Lynn Comella about her new book Vibrator Nation: How Feminist Sex-Toy Stores Changed the Business of Pleasure
-Caroline West reviews Vibrator Nation
-Marc Démont reviews Extreme Cinema: Affective Strategies in Transnational Media by Aaron Kerner and Jonathan L. Knapp
Interested in contributing to the blog?
We have a number of screening sex-related books looking for reviewers. Do take a look at the list at and get in touch if you are interested in reviewing any of them.
We hope you enjoy our latest articles. If you would like to discuss the possibility of a future contribution, please drop us a line. We are interested in contributions from researchers, writers, filmmakers and other creatives so do spread the word!
For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: