Help with reference?
Fri, 8 Dec 1995 10:14:15 -0800
Researching a paper on the representation of Elizabeth I on film, I've
run into a problem with a reference: perhaps someone out there can help.
In an article by Jeffrey Richards, "The British Empire and
Monarchy on Film," _Cultures_ 2 (1974), Richards writes (p.107) about one
of the films I'm working with, _The Private Lives of Elizabeth and
Essex_. The problem passage reads: "Film historian John Davis has called
the film 'Warner Bros.' most explicit statement of isolationism' and sees
the film in terms of conflict between the isolationist Queen and the
interventionist Earl." However, the article provides no citations to
sources. Any ideas on the source of the Davis quote would be most
appreciated--I've tried everything I can think of to track it down.
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Renee Pigeon
CSU San Bernardino
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