Re: re biblical epics
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 22:58:24 +0000
At 1:51 am -0500 19/1/05, Hr Greenberg wrote:
>looking for a study of biblical epics from silents to sounds thanks in
>advance hr greenberg md endit
The quality found in these is variable and it is an interesting thing
that there appears to be so little work out there on the history of
this genre. Though I'm not sure if the spate of responses to Mel
Gibson's Passion has led to any more work looking back at the
development of what, in terms of budgets, production values and box
office, has been an important filmic tradition particularly in
America. I'd be interested to hear of any more material that's out
Babington, Bruce and Peter William Evans (1993) Biblical Epics:
Sacred Narrative in the Hollywood Cinema, Manchester: Manchester
University Press.
Campbell, Richard H. and Michael R. Pitts (1981) The Bible on Film: A
Checklist 1897-1980, Metuchen NJ and London: The Scarecrow Press.
Forshey, Gerald E. (1992) American Religious and Biblical
Spectaculars, Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
Kinnard, Roy and Tim Davis (1994) Divine Images: A History of Jesus
on the Screen, New York: Citadel Press.
Telford, William R. (1997) 'Jesus Christ Movie Star: The Depiction of
jesus in the Cinema' in Clive Marsh, and Gaye Ortiz (eds) (1997)
Explorations in Theology and Film: Movies and Meaning, Oxford:
See also
Maltby, Richard (1990) 'The King of Kings and the Czar of all the
Rushes: the Propriety of the Christ Story', in Screen, 31, 2, 188-213.
Yours aye
Kris Jozajtis
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Dept. of Film and Media Studies
University of Stirling
01786 466225
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