Re: List dealing with documentary?
Mon, 11 Dec 1995 22:19:41 -0600
>Cal Pryluck asks if there would be any interest in a list dealing with
>documentary issues.
>A resounding yes from me. Sign me up! Actually, there is a new swell of
>in documentary theory and practice which has been reflected in the Visible
>Evidence conferences the past 3 years, and it would be great to tap into that
>group of colleagues which has done well to merge the critical theorists and
>those on the creative end. I agree that although visual anthropology is dealing
>with many issues of common interest, we need a list that is rooted in media
>Pam Wilson
>Carlow College/University of Wisconsin
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>Definitely interested in such a list also.
The entire non-fiction, non-theatrical genre requires scholarly exploration
and examination, in my opinion.
The list is long, the field is rife.
Let's go! AFTER the Rose Bowl game.
Rolf W. Brandis
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