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December 1995, Week 2


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Eric Freedman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 13 Dec 1995 14:45:25 -0800
text/plain (33 lines)
As far as ITVS goes, its acts more like a publisher or producer, and not as
a distributor. So you will have to call and find out who the distributor is
for each of the films you are interested in. I can tell you, off the top of
my head, that the distributor for "Dottie Gets Spanked" is Zeitgeist.
Zeitgeist would be the one to call for obtaining a tape/print for purchase
or rental. "Greetings from Out Here" is distributed by Video Data Bank;
call them for rental info on this title.
Zeitgeist: 212-274-1989
Video Data Bank (at the Art Institute of Chicago): 312-899-5172
ITVS: 612-225-9035
Here are the production companies for some of the other titles you listed;
though these are not the distributors, the prod co. may be able to point
you in the right direction; ITVS will probably only have this info to give
you, so here it is:
"A Psychic Mom" (FX, phone: 612-871-6432)
"My Own TV" (Red Canelian [sp?] Film and Video Inc, phone: 718-622-5092)
"The Family Remains" (FX, phone: 212-353-1741)
"Night Ride" (Northfolk Films, phone: 606-633-4252)
"Terminal USA" (Strand, Los Angeles, phone: I don't have it at my fingertips)
"Secret Lives of Houses" (Tainbreaker [sp?] Films, phone: 213-222-3630)
"TV Families" is simply the name of the aired ITVS program, which included
most of these titles.
You can e-mail me direct if you get stuck. [log in to unmask]
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