ACE "Gunsmoke" sequence
Sat, 1 Jan 1994 12:04:33 -0500
> "Mark Freeman [log in to unmask]"<[log in to unmask]> writes:
The distributor of the tape we got was Video Yesterdays, somewhere in Conn.,
as I recall. If you can't find it, message me at the office; I may have the
address/phone. Facets Video in Chicago may have been the vendor; they
handle a lot of VY product. Also: I can't remember the title of the tape;
it's a collection of three film production-related pieces; the others aren't
worth much. The ACE piece is titled "Film Editing: Interpretations and
Values," I think.
Teaching filmmaking can be tough. When I did it some years back (in
16mm!!), I taught camera operation through very basic sets of exercises.
But first I taught editing. I'd give the students individual reels of raw
footage (workprints of a short shoot I'd been on) and have them edit (after
some instruction/demonstration in same); it worked very well, I thought.
Many of the kids wanted to get right into CITIZEN KANE-style production, but
I thought it might be nice if they know what a WS, MS, CU, CA, RA, EWS, ECU,
and a shot sequence were before they went after an Oscar. Some of the brighter
ones eventually agreed; maybe they even stayed in the business long enough to
make a living--or even a decent film.
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P.J. O'Connell 814-865-3333 (O) | You can always tell the
Penn State University 814-865-3145 (F) | counting
205 Wagner Bldg. [log in to unmask] (I) | the arrows in them.
University Park, PA 16802 76520,1360 (CIS) |
************************Go fast; take chances.*************************