Sabotage, Pranks & Surveillance Survey
Sun, 23 Oct 1994 20:59:35 -0500
I am doing research on the practices of individuals in workplaces in
association with high-technology. Specifically I am looking for stories of
people who have used high-technology in acts of personal resistance through
pranks and/or sabotage. How these terms are defined is up to you - do you
think your action was a prank or sabotage? I am also looking for how
high-technology is used as surveillance over workers in your workplace.
If you have any stories that meet this description, please fill out the
below questionnaire and return it via email to:
[log in to unmask]
All stories will be used completely anonymously and I will not use the
names of any people or companies in my paper. If you have any questions,
concerns or suggestions for my research, do not hesitate to contact me at
the above address. Do not reply to the entire mail list - be sure to check
your TO: line. Thank you in advance for your time and stories.
1. Please describe the job where your action(s) took place. Note whether
you are still working at this job and how long you had been working there
at the time.
2. Please describe the physical situation where your action(s) took place.
3. Is/was this job subject to any forms of high-technological
surveillance? If so, please describe.
4. Please describe your high-technological prank or act of sabotage.
5. What were the short-term effects of this action? Possibly include how
it was received by co-workers, supervisors or peers, how it made you feel
about your job, any immediate shifts of power or respect in your workplace,
and any other immediate effects.
6. What were the long-term effects of this action? Possibly include
disciplinary responses to you or others, changes in the company's
performance or functioning, changes in your job or others, and any other
long-term effects.
7. Was this action related to or affected by surveillance issues? If so,
please explain how.
8. How long ago was this action? How do you feel about it now? Was it
worth any negative effects it had on you?
9. If I have any further questions about your actions or your working
conditions, would you be willing to answer future questions via email?
10. Please include any miscellaneous comments or issues that you feel your
above answers do not address adequately.
By sending this email, you are giving me permission to use your answers
anonymously in my research and in the paper that will develop from this
research. If you have any concerns about this, please email me. Thank you
again for your participation.
jajasoon tlitteu ([log in to unmask])
"Academic training was instrumental. You have to understand the language
of society before you can start stretching and subverting it and ripping
and tearing it and burning it and watching the plastic drip on the ants."