Immersive Promotion - Marketing XR to New Audiences
Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:30:30 +0000
With apologies for cross-posting, I am thrilled to announce the launch of
Immersive Promotion. Funded by StoryFutures Academy, Immersive Promotion is
a research-led sector-development project examining how the UK creative
industries can produce gateway promotional content for today’s immersive
experiences, specifically those based on Virtual and Augmented Reality
All of our resources are freely available, allowing creators and students
from different creative sectors and disciplines to better communicate with
their audiences about the magic of immersive content. Please share widely!
*Marketing XR to New Audiences*
** <>
In the New Adventures: The Strength of Immersive Entertainment 2020 report,
Ricky Brigante and Sarah A.S. Elger identifies marketing and publicity as
one of the biggest challenges facing the growth of the immersive sector.
How do you communicate the magic of 3D worlds via 2D media? In response, we
have created new promotional strategies, prototypes, industry bibles and
teaching resources for how immersive experiences can be better marketed to
today's audiences. We partnered with The National Gallery, Anagram and
Studio McGuire to create research-informed and audience-evaluated
promotional campaigns for live VR and AR experiences. Our research was
based on audience and cultural insight, interviews, reports, academic
theory, industry advisory panels and creative practice.
- Read the full Immersive Promotion Bible
- Explore our live case study promotional campaigns for:
- Anagram's Goliath <>, a
forthcoming VR documentary for Oculus about living with schizophrenia;
- Studio McGuire's The Invited
<>, a forthcoming AR
pop-up kirigami adaptation of Dracula;
- The National Gallery's Virtual Veronese
<>, a VR
experience allowing users to visit Paolo Veronese's art in 1562.
- Discover our audience insights about what works and what doesn't when
marketing immersive content to new audiences.
- Delve into our course materials
<> for teaching
immersive promotion, with video lectures, workshops and assignment briefs.
- Subscribe to our new YouTube channel
*Dr Matthew Freeman, FHEA*
*Reader in Multiplatform Media*
*Unit of Assessment Leader, **Communication, Cultural and Media Studies*
*Co-Director, The Centre for Media Research
*Film and Media Subject Lead**, SWW AHRC DTP <>*
The School of Creative Industries
Bath Spa University
Newton Park, Bath, BA2 9BN
*Telephone:* +44 (0)1225 876708
*Staff Profile:*
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