Re: Films about Child Molesters
Mon, 10 Jan 1994 23:27:13 -0500
>For a paper about how child molesters have been represented in films, I
>am looking for any suggestions other than the following: The Mark
>(1961), Short Eyes (1977), Tommy (1975; Uncle Ernie, btw), Fallen Angel
>(1981) and The Boys of St. Vincent (1992, Canadian). I welcome any other
>suggestions, with or without annotations. Please respond privately to
>[log in to unmask] Thanks.
Don't forget Fritz Lang's classic "M"! Also, the recent Italian film "Il
ladro di bambini" (Stolen Children) may prove to be a unique angle -- it's
about an 11 year old girl forced into prostitution by her mother. Good
Jacqueline Reich
Department of Modern Languages
Trinity College
Hartford, CT 06106-3100
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