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October 1994


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Denis Henry Hennelly <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 18 Oct 1994 09:20:48 EWT
text/plain (22 lines)
short answer...
chronologically of course, p.f. ends when bruce willis and sweetheart drive
off on the motorcycle.
the thematic ending is a bit more open to debate.  i would say the
thematic ending comes at the end of the film with jules' redemption...
jules' is the hero of the film, and his departure (or attempted departure
) from "the life" is what the several stories have been working up to.
His decision comes fairly early in the chronological action, but i would
argue that the following scenes exist to illustrate the wisdom of his
choice by portraying what exactly it is that he is leaving behind.
the viewer sees the argument in favor of his decision before seeing
the decision.  we see what happens when you ignore a miracle (you get
shot coming out of the john) before we hear vincent vega say he didn't
just experience one.
did anyone else find the torture basement scene gratuitous?  on the
basis of one viewing, i felt like the film would have been much stronger
without that scene.  thoughts?
denis hennelly
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