The "Radio-Media" Email or Fax Newsletter
Sun, 12 Jan 1997 04:24:57 -0500
This may interest those screen-l'er who feel they could do
good radio creative, if only they understood how the radio
advertising industry worked.
"Radio-Media" is a weekly email-delivered newsletter covering
the ad-agency media planning for, and the buying and selling
of, radio advertising. No tech, talent or programming issues
are covered. "Radio-Media" is fully moderated and edited,
and arrives in your email box every Monday morning. "Radio-
Media" currently has 940 subscribers, and it is free.
The table of contents of a past issue appears below. To sub-
scribe, send "Subscribe" to: [log in to unmask]
"Radio-Media" is now also available by fax. The faxed ver-
sion is 9 pages, every Monday, and it has more of a printed
newsletter look than the email version is capable of having.
The faxed version is $25 for a six month subscription in the
United States. Rates outside the U.S. will vary by country.
To obtain the rate in your country, send a note stating your
country, and your fax number, to the above email address.
To begin your faxed "Radio-Media" subscription in the United
States, send your $25 payment, AND your fax number, to:
Bryan Farrish
Radio-Media Editor
P.O. Box 2501
Los Angeles, CA 90078
(c)1996 Wriite Radio
Interview with media planner/researcher Abbott Wool
Peter Kern's response to issues in Radio-Media
Response to Jose Pino.........Rob Hemming
Interview with Barb Salz of Instad Broadcasting
Interview with Jeff Cohen of the World Radio Network
To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L
in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]