Re: Jackie Brown info
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 11:13:37 -0700
The tone of the film is also somewhat similar to the film adaptation of
EDDIE COYLE, although not as bleak. The character's name in the film is
also Jackie Brown; everything I've read attributes the 1997 film name
Jackie Brown as a tie to Grier's Foxy Brown character, however, but that
could just be an unawareness of the EDDIE COYLE character and an inside
joke for Tarantino.
> 2. One of the cops clearly dates the sting at the mall as summer 96 (I've
> forgotten the exact date) but during the scene you can see an ad for the
> computer game Jane's 688(i) which wasn't released until the middle of 1997.
I also remember a scene where Forster comes out of a theater, and there's
a poster for THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT, which came out in 1995.
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Lang Thompson
> New at Funhouse: Pazz & Jop Ballot, Overlooked Albums
> of 1997, expanded links, William Burroughs obituary.
> "A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from
> the bristles." -- Ambassador Kosh
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