Transmedia Earth Network
Mon, 24 Aug 2015 13:44:27 +0100
*The Transmedia Earth Network Project*
*Call for Expressions of Interest*
Dear Colleagues,
Dr Matthew Freeman (Bath Spa University) and Dr William Proctor
(Bournemouth University) are currently working on an AHRC Research
Networking bid to set up The Transmedia Earth Network (TEN). The aim of the
project is to investigate emergent understandings of the transmedia
phenomenon in international contexts. Much work has been done on
transmediality from the Anglo-American perspective, but what about other
countries and contexts – and how can the transmedia approaches of one
country be harnessed across multiple national borders? In short, *just how
transnational is transmedia*? We are interested in hearing from scholars
around the world about projects that examine different contexts of
transmedia and new media developments as well as interested parties about
industrial shifts in this age of media convergence.
A transmedia project must be understood as a system that adapts itself for
markedly different media platforms and creative sectors. The Transmedia
Earth Network uses as its starting point the assumption that to better
understand how media content can be spread across multiple platforms, we
first need to more fully understand what ‘transmedia’ really means within
the context of individual media forms and creative sectors. The Network
then seeks to re-think future transmedia-making potentials by investigating
its current workings across international production cultures. We aim to
examine the operations of transmedia in different countries and in various
media sectors, exploring just how transnational a practice transmedia could
be. In bringing together academics, filmmakers, transmedia storytellers,
business developers and branding consultants from multiple media sectors
such as film, television, video gaming, publishing, heritage and theatre,
TEN adopts a transnational perspective ultimately to re-think
transmedia-making potentials in the contemporary global media landscape.
As part of the network scheme, we are proposing a range of conferences that
aim to capture a range of issues and objectives. Grouped under the banner
‘Transmedia Earth,’ we are proposing events that are medium-specific, but
internationally diverse based on the following topics:
Transmedia Novels; Transmedia Cinema; Transmedia Marketing; Transmedia
Television; Transmedia Gaming; Transmedia Theatre; Transmedia Audiences.
We are interested in hearing from scholars working in these areas to allow
the researchers to build a database of interested parties and of current
projects. Please send an overview of your research into transmedia and your
interest in joining the Network to Dr Matthew Freeman (
[log in to unmask]) and Dr William Proctor ([log in to unmask]
*Dr Matthew Freeman*
*Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication*
*Director, Media Futures Research Centre*
*Department of Film, Media and Creative Computing*
*Bath Spa University*
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