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June 1999, Week 4


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 17:49:22 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (76 lines)
What I meant by this is the conventions we normally associate with cast
credtits (those with speaking roles) was not in effect at this time, or
else the bartender, Greedo, and Dr. Evazan would have received credit.
_The Shining_ (!980) has fairly short credits.  _Under the rainbow_,
another Warners feature, has enormously long credits, so the change
probably took place in the early eighties, although in the seventies the
opening credits were getting shorter and the end credits longer.


Scott Andrew Hutchins
Oz, Monsters, Kamillions, and More!

"Love is not a positive emotion that begins in us and ends in the positive
response of someone else.  Love is divine energy that comes from God and
has no end."  --Eric Butterworth

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Julia Rice wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
> To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: 22 April 1999 15:55
> Subject: Re: Movie production credits
> Hi Scott,
> >It couldn't have been until the late sevenites.  After _Star Wars_.  There
> >are a lot of uncredited cast memebers on _Star Wars_.  The bartender who
> >says "We don't serve their kind in here!" is one of them.  There are a lot
> >listed on the IMDb.  _Jaws_'s credits are incredibly short--much shorter
> >than I would expect them to be by today's standards.
> The IMDB (Independent Movie Data Base) allows people who either have
> knowledge about, or were connected to, a film to add information. Therefore
> if my aunty Effel.... (which incidently I don't have one) .... had told me
> that she had worked as a tea lady on the film *Jaws... I would be able to
> add her name to the credits myself.... even though she may not have been
> truthful. I have in the past had to correct data on this site, including a
> complete bibliography, although most of its data  is probably correct not
> all of it is.
> If you are seriously researching film credits I would suggest using the
> official production, or distribution, company's web sites. A web search
> should locate them easily for you, otherwise go to
> and press the *film buffs*
> hyperlink. This will take you to hyperlinks for most of the major film
> companies.
> Another valuable source used to be the microsoft *Cinemania* cd roms.....
> however they were withdrawn so the most recent would be Cinemania 97....
> some shops still have copies....otherwise ask your friends ;-))
> hope this helps,
> Julia
> Julia C. Rice
> U.W.C.N. UK
> [log in to unmask]
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