Media Industries Launches First Issue; Opens Site for Peer-Reviewed Submissions
Wed, 21 May 2014 15:37:10 -0500
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Dear Friends,
The first issue of *Media Industries* is now online and we are currently
accepting submissions for future issues.
*About Our First Issue*
Issue 1 is the first in a series of three issues to be published over the
summer that features essays authored by our esteemed editorial board. Each
of the board essays discusses the state of the field of media industries
Articles featured in this first issue include:
· “Welcome to *Media Industries”* - written by the Editorial
Collective: Amelia Arsenault, Stuart Cunningham, Michael Curtin, Terry
Flew, Anthony Fung, Jennifer Holt, Paul McDonald, Brian McNair, Alisa
Perren, and Kevin Sanson.
· “Dirt Research For Media Industries” - Charles R. Acland
· “Media Policy Research and the Media Industries” - Des Freedman
· “The Value of Ethnography” - Tejaswini Ganti
· “The Menace of Instrumentalism in Media Industries Research and
Education” – David Hesmondhalgh
· “Placing International Media Production” - Aphra Kerr
· “On Automation in Media Industries: Integrating Algorithmic Media
Production Into Media Industries Scholarship” - Philip Napoli
· “Film Studies, Cultural Studies, and Media Industry Studies” -
Thomas Schatz
· “Selling Television: Addressing Transformations in the International
Distribution of Television Content” - Jeanette Steemers
· “There Is No Music Industry” – Jonathan Sterne
· “Globalization Through the Eyes of Runners: Student Interns as
Ethnographers on Runaway Productions in Prague” – Petr Szczepanik
· “The Case for Studying In-Store Media” - Joseph Turow
· “Industry Proximity” – Patrick Vonderau
*This issue as well as all future issues and the submission portal can be
found at <>.*
*Call for Papers*
*Media Industries* is a new
, multi-media, open-access online journal that supports critical studies of
media industries and institutions worldwide. We invite contributions that
range across the full spectrum of media industries, including film,
television, internet, radio, music, publishing, electronic games,
advertising, and mobile communications. Submissions may explore these
industries individually or examine inter-medial relations between
industrial sectors. We encourage both contemporary and historical studies,
and are especially interested in contributions that draw attention to
global and international perspectives, and use innovative methodologies,
imaginative theoretical approaches, and new research directions.
*More About Media Industries*
The journal is maintained by a managing Editorial
and Editorial Board<>
comprised of an international group of media industries scholars. For
additional information about the Board and Collective, as well as a list of
forthcoming essays from Board members, please visit:
*Media Industries*
Email: [log in to unmask]
Amelia Arsenault, Stuart Cunningham, Michael Curtin, Terry Flew, Anthony
Fung, Jennifer Holt, Paul McDonald, Brian McNair, Alisa Perren, and Kevin
For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: