Re: Robert Frank films
Sat, 11 Dec 1993 21:14:46 EST
Several years ago, the Museum of Fine Arts organized a big retrospective
of Robert Frank's work as a photographer, filmmaker and videomaker. It
was titled Robert Frank: New York to Nova Scotia -- which is also the
title of quite a handsome catalogue that accompanied the exhibition. At
the time, I spoke with someone at the museum, and I recall that he told me
Frank had donated/sold an extensive amount of his work to the museum,
including his films and videotapes, and I vaguely remember some suggestion
that they prints might circulate from the museum. I could be wrong, though,
and they might hold them as artefacts, for specialized consultation or
exhibition only.
Among the holdings, as part of this show, was a mint-condition print of
Pull My Daisy that Frank had had somewhere since the film was made. The
newly discovered print was used to make another, since I believe the
negative was destroyed in a fire, and that print was shown in New York
at Film Forum, as part of a series of Beat and Beatnik films a few years
The story about Cocksucker Blues, as I understand it, was that Frank had
been commissioned by the Stones to make a documentary about the 1972
tour, and disapproved of what he produced. As a result of court action
(I don't recall details of the dispute, over ownership and rights, for
instance), the film could be shown only three or four times per year, and
Frank had to be present at the screening. (In other words, he couldn't
distribute it, really.) The Stones disapproved of the explicitness of
sequences depicting sex and drug use, according to accounts. They did
use a few, brief sequences in a video documentary chronicling their
career -- I can't remember the title, though I think it's something like
20 x 5, as in 20 years times 5 Rolling Stones.
I haven't checked, but New Yorker Films has been for many years the
distributor of Pull My Daisy
Good luck.
Blaine Allan [log in to unmask]
Film Studies
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6