fanzines, etc.
Fri, 2 Oct 1992 18:49:53 EST
Henry--I was delighted to learn you were joining the list & have been
enjoying and learning from your responses and all the discussion of
fan writing. (Your name was mentioned respectfully by almost every
presenter at the PCA/ACA Star Trek panels I attended.)
Questions: Are the New Voyages pbs still in print? What are your feelings
on using those as representative of fan writing?
Are there institutional collections of fanzines? Long ago, when I
debated doing a dissertation on Battlestar Galactica, I started collecting
BG zines and was appalled at the cost. Can you suggest strategies for
researchers who are trying to learn more about the range of fanzines
available & still live on a slim book budget? (If you've answered these
questions in Textual Poachers, I apologize; I'm still waiting for my copy.)
--Didi J. [log in to unmask]