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October 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Yang Gao <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 29 Oct 1994 13:15:16 CST
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
    The College of Communication at The University of Alabama is
    seeking  a new Dean.
    The dean must be able to lead the diverse interests of the
    college; build continuing commmitment to high quality scholarship
    and teaching and to cultural and ethnic diversity among faculty,
    staff, and students.
    In addition, applicants may provide evidence of any of the
    following qualities:
    ---deep commitment to teaching and learning
    ---ability and desire to develop relationships with external
    constituencies of the college, particularly in the areas of
    fundraising and job placement
    ---outstanding academic record, usually including an earned
    doctorate or other terminal degree
    ---significant professional experience in media-related industry
    ---significant experience in academic administration or
    professional management
    ---record of outstanding scholarship in communication-related
    ---understanding of the multiple missions of the college's
    undergraduate, master's level, and doctoral programs, as well as
    its service departments
    ---experience at writing and executing grants
    The college has 1,350 undergrad. and 140 grad. students in its
    four academic programs--AV/PR, Journalism, Speech comm., Telecomm.
    & Film. The college operates 2 radio stations, a production center
    for public TV programming.
    Send a letter of appl., curriculum vitae and three reference to:
    Prof. Jim Stovall
    Dept. of Journalism
    Box 870172
    University of Alabama
    Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0172