Re: Call For Papers: Screen Bodies
Wed, 1 Sep 2021 10:18:47 -0400
While, no doubt, a good number of researcher have looked at race
represented on screen, and especially sex/gender on screen,
I'd like to urge publication of articles on representations of class in
visual media. John Berger, in Ways of Seeing, decades ago discussed the
men's suit and its class distinction. Ava Baron explored issues of bodies
and manual laborers in Baron, Ava. "Masculinity, the embodied male worker,
and the historian’s gaze." *International Labor and Working-Class History* 69,
no. 1 (2006): 143-160; and in Baron, Ava, and Eileen Boris. "“The Body” as
a Useful Category for Working-Class History." *Labor: Studies in
Working-Class History of the Americas* 4, no. 2 (2007): 23-43. Recently,
for the first time after decades of publishing my work on the topic, I
managed to get a publisher to include contrasting pictures of mental/manual
working men and their wives depicted in American sitcoms over 70 years
(June Deery and Andrea Press, Media and Class Routledge 2017, see pp
I'd like to see more exploration of the dimension of class and bodies and
the mental/manual contrast.
Richard Butsch
On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 8:53 PM Margaret Shaffer <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Screen Bodies
> Call for Papers - General Issue
> Editor: Andrew J. Ball, Harvard University
> Screen Bodies invites submissions to be considered for our forthcoming
> general issue. We feature work on all forms of visual media, emphasizing
> research that engages with concepts of the body, the screen, and / or
> technology broadly construed. Articles are typically between 6k–9k words.
> Please see our website for details about the inclusion of artwork/images (
> Screen Bodies is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that is devoted
> to the interface of art, science, and technology. The journal’s aim is to
> examine how bodies engage with and are engaged by screens, as well as how
> bodies are represented on screens. It features critical, theoretical, and
> empirical methods used in the diverse fields comprising the humanities,
> social sciences, computer science, communications, and the arts.
> Screen Bodies is a publication where scholars, creators, and scientists
> come together to map new media ecologies with an eye toward the aesthetic,
> ethical, and political dimensions of emerging technologies as well as to
> matters of design, programming, engineering, and performance.
> Areas of focus include but are not limited to: media arts, cinema,
> fashion, digital art, NFTs, e-culture, avatars, artificial intelligence,
> virtual reality, augmented reality, human-machine interface, biotechnology,
> bioethics, science and technology studies, cyborg studies, computational
> art, machine learning, robotics, gaming, philosophy of technology, and
> digital humanities.
> Manuscripts submissions and book reviews should be submitted to Andrew J.
> Ball at mailto:[log in to unmask] by or before October 1,
> 2021.
> For more information, including the style guide, visit
> ----
> Screen-L is sponsored by the College of Communication and Information
> Sciences,
> the University of Alabama:
Richard Butsch
Current book projects:
*The Importance of the Social.*
*Homo Faber: Visual Representations of Manual Labor and Laborers in
Twentieth-Century America.*
*Screen Culture: A Global History *(Polity)
*The Citizen Audience *(Routledge)*;
*The Making of American Audiences *(Cambridge)
Co-editor, with Sonia Livingstone
*Meanings of Audiences* (Routledge)
*Media and Public Spheres* (Palgrave),
*For Fun and Profit: The Transformation of Leisure into Consumption*
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, American Studies, and Film & Media Studies
Rider University, Lawrenceville NJ 08550, USA
For past messages, visit the Screen-L Archives: