_Hollywood's White House_ now available in paperback for classes
Sat, 18 Dec 2004 11:35:27 EST
The Ray and Pat Browne book award winner for last year was _Hollywood's
White House: The American Presidency in Film and Television_, Eds. Peter C.
Rollins and John E. O'Connor (UP of Kentucky, 2004; ISBN Paper 0-8131-9126-2).
This collection of essays, surveying the presidency in film from Washington
to Bill Clinton, was the offspring of the Film & History conference on the
topic held in Y2000. The volume concludes with an elaborate and useful
filmography by John Shelton Lawrence, a popular culture stalwart.
Details are at the following web address:
I used the hardback copy for a class during the fall of 2004 and students
really seemed to use the book because they understood the language and
appreciated the film and history approach—devoid of jargon.
By the way, this is not an ad. Nobody makes money from these efforts; on the
other hand, we get to share our research with colleagues and,
more importantly, with future citizens in classrooms across the land. After
2004, we know that media perceptions of the president are central to any
general election choices to be made; students deserve some exposure to the media
Peter Rollins
Film & History _www.filmandhistory.org_ (http://www.filmandhistory.org/)
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