Faculty positions
Thu, 24 Aug 1995 00:45:20 CDT
College of Communications of Penn State University announces:
Tenure-track positions are available in the following programs:
ADVERTISING/PUBLIC RELATIONS. One position. Requires proven teaching
ability in a range of advertising/public relations courses, Ph.D.
(ABD) with some professional experi., or master's degree with five or
more years of significant professional experi..
TELECOMMUNICATIONS. One position in electronic media management and
economics. Requires ability to teach graduate and undergraduate
classes and conduct reseach in broadcasting and telecommunications.
Management experi. or economic expertise in some or all of the
related industries. Ph. D. (ABD) or other advanced degree and
significant professional experi.
JOURNALISM. Two positions: one in print and one in broadcasting
journalism. Teach professional and theory courses. Must have a
graduate degree and strong professional print or
broadcasting/journalism experi..
MEDIA STUDIES. One position. Teach graduate/undergrad. courses in
media theory and qualitative and/or quantitative reseach methods.
Int'l and multicultural approaches are better. Ph.D.(ABD) and strong
record as a teacher and scholar.
Send a letter, vita, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three
to five reference to:
Chair, Search Committee
College of Communications
Penn State University
201 Carnegie Building
University Park, PA 16802
Screening will begin Sept. 30, 1995, until filled.
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