Dear All,
My thoughts on Dr. Monti's thoughts on Dr. Horak's thoughts about Dr.
Bentley's (who? I thought it was Dr. Frank's) request. Pooh. Who exactly
bestowed upon the few an elitist judiciary, however much I loathe resorting
to the "elitist" quip? I imagine there are plenty of matters concerning
which all of us have not the simplest clue. I don't see in any way how Dr.
Frank's request "undermines Screen-L's credibility." Perhaps, it
undermines Bentley University's credibility, but that's only if one did not
understand Dr. Frank's initial request (I did not, but at least I know his
name and affiliation - I simply looked). His query concerned electronic
sources, not library hard copies. I trust that when one has a question
that discourse can be constructive and nurturing - not unfair and rashly
judgmental. Applaud that instead. Applaud Dr. Frank's initiative in
wanting to learn about electronic resources!
This is a forum for scholars and students alike. For those unaware of this
fact, please point your browser to Screen-L "founding principle" at If I've grossly misread
the "founding principle", I shall invite the moderator to banish my email
from this list. In the past, very smart and very kind people have
responded to my queries. NB: Some members were very helpful to Mike.
I hope to steer this subject back on a positive course. The following link
provides sources for full text repositories available through Bentley
Mike, also check with your reference librarians about Historical New York
Times via Proquest. I can't tell if you guys have it or not.
has free 14 day trial subscription (including access to older reviews).
At 03:17 PM 1/18/2005, you wrote:
>On Luned́, gennaio 17, 2005, at 07:45 PM, Chris Horak wrote:
>>One can try a really novel idea and go to the library, where you will
>>find the
>>Reader's Guide to Periodic Literature (Reference section),
>>where under motion pictures, reviews are listed by film title and journal.
>>JC Horak
> Though I am aware that my thoughts on Dr. Horak's thoughts about
> Dr. Bentley's request might start a polemic, I am writing to say that I
> applaud the former's response to the latter's query. When I first read
> the post, I thought Dr. Bentley was joking and I welcomed it as a
> much-needed commercial break in yet another thankless job market.
>Then the suggestions started coming in and I realized that this was
>serious business, indeed.
> Engaging in this kind of exchange -- asking a question that a
> student in an intro. to film studies course might have prior to writing
> their final paper -- seriously undermines Screen-L's credibility, I
> think as a forum for serious discussion. Let me add that I felt the
> same way about a question that came up a while ago, concerning assigning
> difficult feminist film theories in our courses. I sent a reply
> reminding the poster that it is our intellectual responsibility as
> educators to unpack such (any) difficult concepts for our students.
>My message did not pass the censorship board, however. Hopefully, this
>one will.
> Gloria Monti
>gloria monti, ph.d.
>cleveland heights, OH
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