Reply - footage of the Hindenburg
Wed, 6 Apr 2005 13:53:16 +0100 writes:
>Does anyone know of a DVD available that has full coverage of the
>Hindenburg crash? Would be nice if it also had footage or stills of the
>Hindenburg in normal operating mode, and/or during construction.
There is a home movie taken by a passenger on a Frankfurt to Lakehurst
flight in September 1936 on the National Film Preservation Foundation's
'Treasures from American Archives' DVD - see for
ordering details. The accident footage (the airship's destruction on 6 May
1937 was not technically a crash, as the hydrogen did not ignite as the
result of an impact with anything, as was the case with the R101) can be
found on all manner of newsreel compilation DVDs.
Several of my relatives were heavily involved in the British rigid airship
programme and one flew on the 'Graf Zeppelin' as a passenger: if you'd like
any more information on the Hindenburg, please email me off list. Douglas
Botting's book 'Dr. Eckener's Dream Machine' (London, 2002) is excellently
researched, if a little populist in tone.
Leo Enticknap
Curator, Northern Region Film & Television Archive
Middlesbrough, UK
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