Re: Re[3- True Lies
Tue, 19 Jul 1994 13:20:42 -0500
>Mail*Link(r) SMTP RE>Re[3: True Lies
>>>We spend our entertainment buck to be entertained. If we're
>>>exposed to political messages (and yes, I'm familiar with the
>>>argument that ALL discourse is political, though I have a problem
>>>figuring out what that little Deer X-ing sign REALLY means at its
>>>political core), then they're often subtle enough to be completely
>>>A friend recently overheard two little old ladies describing "Thelma
>>>and Louise." Their opinion was that it was a "sweet little movie about
>>>about a couple of girls who had some adventures, got into some kind
>>>of trouble, and then held hands and jumped over the Grand Canyon."
>>>So even the MOST political subtexts, it seems, are often missed. I
>>>just think we too often ring the alarm bells, since we're the kinds
>>>of folks who make a living by looking for socio-political messages
>>>on cereal boxes. (Ever noticed the Trix rabbit is WHITE? Just
>>>imagine what that does subconciously to children of color|)
>>>Denise Bryson, Language and Literature
>>>[log in to unmask]
>I heartily agree with you. Movies are foremost entertainment. Any effort to
>educate or extract a response beyond enjoyment is secondary. I posted a
>similar opinion on CINEMA-L and got shot down for it too.
CINEMA-L? How does one sign up? (Other than, apparently, cautiously)
--Richard Leskosky