Asian Cinema Studies Society
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 10:45:19 CDT
*Founded in 1984, ACSS has established itself as a forum for the
critical study of Asian Cinema and issues relevant to a global
understanding of cinema. The society has affiliates in Canada and
Australia. Plans are underway for an on-line India chapter. The 1997
ACSS conference is planned for Peterborough, Canada. Previous
conferences have been organized in North America and Australia.
* The Society sponsors the Journal: Asian Cinema, which is published
twice yearly. The Journal is approximately 160 pages with 8-10 major
scholarly articles, news notes, reviews and illustrated photos.
Membership of ACSS covers a subscription to the Journal. We welcome
you to join ACSS and to subscribe to this most valuable resource
*A subsrciption to ASIAN CINEMA which includes ACSS
MEMBERSHIP, is US $20 a year payable to Asian Cinema Studies Society.
Institutional subscriptions are US $30; student/part-time employed,
US $10. Outside the US, please add $5 for postage and send payment in
US dollars on an international money order.
Asian Cinema Studies Society
c/o Uma Magal, Treasurer
478 Warren Drive #309
San Francisco, CA 94131
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Clint Yoby
mailto:[log in to unmask]
TCF Dept/University of Alabama
"Life could slip away in absent minded numbness
I'm only saying this 'cuz I wish for the best
When you stay in self-incarceration
I think it's such a shame.
Don't stay home..."
- 311
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