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November 2015, Week 3


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Tue, 17 Nov 2015 12:52:40 -0500
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
"C.D. Kee" <[log in to unmask]>
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Cinema Journal Teaching Dossier CFP:The integration of production and
theory/history in Cinema and Media Studies courses*Call for Proposals: * *The
integration of production and theory/history in Cinema and Media Studies

*Deadline: December 15, 2015*

Among the challenges confronting those of us teaching history/theory
courses in Cinema and Media Studies is a relatively new set of interrelated
questions which, if we oversimplify, boil down to: Should I incorporate
production assignments in the syllabus?  How do I incorporate them?  And,
what exactly constitutes production?  The rise of videography and its
recent academic canonization through the peer-reviewed outlet
*[In]Transition* make such questions all the more pressing. Indeed, the
time has come to pool our pedagogic energies–collect our thoughts and share
our experiences–on the integration of production with theory/history in our

Some of the questions and hypotheses to be examined in the forthcoming
issue of the *Cinema Journal Teaching Dossie*r can be, but are not limited

   - What are the pedagogic reasons behind the perceived need to
   incorporate production in theory/history courses?
   - How do we define production, or what does “production” look like in
   theory and history courses?
   - As more and more job listings stress the desirability of
   scholar-practitioners or at the very least scholars who would feel
   comfortable teaching production elements in their classes, how do we
   educate ourselves for this kind of market?
   - In times of rampant neoliberal pragmatism in higher education, is it
   possible that what motivates the perception of such a need to integrate
   production into historical and theoretical classes is also a matter of
   competition?  In other words, how do we keep enrollments in non-production
   classes on par with production classes?
   - In what ways is the integration of production into history and theory
   courses a fantastic pedagogic opportunity?  Does it mean we de-emphasize
   writing?  What are the consequences of such a de-emphasis?
   - What is happening at your school?  Does it have two tracks?  What is
   the synergy between them?
   - What are the roadblocks to integrating production elements into your
   - How do you train graduate students or help them integrate production
   into their teaching?
   - How have you integrated production into your theory and history
   courses?  What projects have you used successfully?

We invite proposals addressing these and other topics relevant to the
integration of theory/history and production.  Submit a 250-word abstract
for a proposed 1500-word essay, briefly describing the essay topic, and a
150-word biography to Chera Kee ([log in to unmask]) and Maurizio Viano (
[log in to unmask]) by Decembert 15, 2015.  The completed essay
(including all images and links) will be due by January 23 2016.
For more information, visit the Cinema Journal Teaching Dossier CFP at:

Chera Kee
Assistant Professor, Film and Media Studies
Department of English
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202

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