Re: Family relationships and film
Thu, 8 Jun 1995 14:28:44 -0700
You wrote, in part:
>Hi, >I would like to raise the following question. Does anybody know
any movies related to problems "inside" the family?. Movies like
"Ordinary people" by Robert Redford could be a good starting point
>Thanks in advance.
>Ruben Garcia-Loureda
>Snail-Mail: Television de Galicia. San Marcos. Santiago de Compostela
>Internet: [log in to unmask]
>Phone: 34-(9)81-540786
Hola, Ruben:
Re: your request, I suggest the following movies that examine families
in a variety of contexts; I'm really recommending a mixed bag so you
can appreciate the cultural and historical differences:
Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (Russian)
Sounder (U.S.)
The Color Purple (U.S.)
Raisin in the Sun (U.S.)
On Golden Pond (U.S.)
'night, Mother (U.S.)
Daughters of the Dust (U.S.)
Like Water for Chocolate (Mexico)
Steel Magnolias (U.S.)
Fried Green Tomatoes (U.S.)
In my opinion, these films examine the concept of family from unique
perspectives. I'm sure there are scores of others, but these
immediately came to mind. Good luck.
Mike Tucker
Howard University
Washington, D.C.
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