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June 2013, Week 1


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Marty Norden <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Jun 2013 21:33:37 -0400
text/plain (107 lines)
Hello, everyone.  My university is currently seeking applicants for an  
endowed professorship in the study of nonviolent direct action and  
civil resistance.  Though it is not specifically a media studies  
position, media scholars specializing in the areas described below are  
quite welcome to apply.  If you have any questions about this  
position, please direct them to Kelly Smiaroski at  
[log in to unmask]  Thanks so much.

--Marty Norden
  Martin F. Norden
  Professor and Associate Chair, Communication Dept.
  409 Machmer Hall                           norden(at)
  University of Massachusetts Amherst        fax: 413 545-6399
  Amherst, MA  01003   USA                   vox: 413 545-0598
                Home page:

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The University of Massachusetts Amherst invites applications and  
nominations for a visionary scholar of distinction to serve as the  
inaugural holder of the Endowed Chair in the Study of Nonviolent  
Direct Action and Civil Resistance, a new faculty position focused on  
the scientific study of nonviolent direct action and civil resistance.

Nonviolent direct action refers to strategies and activities designed  
to achieve social and political change without the use of violence.   
Examples of nonviolent direct action include collective organizing,  
social movements, protests, sit-ins, vigils, consciousness raising,  
and other forms of civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance.   
Proponents of nonviolent direct action recognize the need for active  
struggle to foster social and political change and use nonviolent  
approaches as alternatives to passive acceptance of oppression and  
inequality, or the use of violent confrontation, to achieve social and  
political goals.  The activities of Mohandas K. Gandhi and Martin  
Luther King, Jr. (and others like them) provide good examples of the  
kinds of nonviolent direct action on which the chairholder should  
focus his/her scientific work.

The chairholder will provide national/international leadership to the  
study of this critical topic.  The chairholder may be from any  
discipline, but her/his research methodology must be scientific and  
focused on large-scale social phenomena.

The appointment will be at the full or associate professor level.  The  
departmental home(s) of the appointee will be determined based on the  
successful candidate's scholarly expertise.  The position will begin  
as soon as a qualified candidate has been found.

The candidate is expected to become an integral member of the  
Psychology of Peace and Violence Program at the University of  
Massachusetts Amherst and should be interested in interdisciplinary  
collaboration, scholarship, and training of graduate students on  
issues involving peace, conflicts of interest, nonviolent direct  
action, and civil resistance.  The Psychology of Peace and Violence  
Program adds to scientific knowledge of how to resolve conflict  
between groups, promotes reconciliation, and builds peace through  
cooperation (

Beyond her/his primary affiliation with the Psychology of Peace and  
Violence Program, the chairholder will find many other supportive  
colleagues here at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass  
Amherst) and within the wider region.  For example, at UMass Amherst,  
the chairholder may affiliate with the Development and Peacebuilding  
Program of the Political Economy Research Institute, the Social  
Inequality and Justice Initiative of the Center for Public Policy and  
Administration, the Institute for Holocaust, Genocide, and Memory  
Studies, the Feinberg Papers Project, and/or the W.E.B. Du Bois Center  
(It is a university-wide research center that is administratively  
housed in the Du Bois Library and organized around our holding the Du  
Bois Papers).

QUALIFICATIONS: a Ph.D. and a proven record as a scholar of the  
scientific study of peace, non-violent direct action, and civil  
resistance as well as exceptional promise to serve as a  
national/international leader in advancing this study at UMass Amherst  
and beyond are required; a proven record of inclusive and  
multi-cultural skills in teaching, research, and/or service is  
strongly preferred.

RANK AND SALARY: Commensurate with experience and qualifications.

NOMINATIONS AND APPLICATIONS: Review of applications will begin on  
September 17, 2013 but the committee will continue to accept  
applications until the position has been filled.  Applications  
comprising a cover letter expressing interest and describing research  
program, a vitae and a list of at least three references should be  
sent to Kelly Smiaroski at [log in to unmask] or Kelly  
Smiaroski, Office of the Provost, 373 Whitmore Administration  
Building, University of Massachusetts, 181 President's Avenue,  
Amherst, MA 01003-9313, USA.  Electronic submissions strongly preferred.

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is an Affirmative Action/Equal  
Opportunity employer.  It is strongly committed to increasing the  
diversity of faculty, students, and curriculum, and particularly  
encourages applications from women and minorities.

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