NEW YORK TIMES on The Presidency in Film and TV... A Proleptic Story
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 13:54:23 EST
The New York Times has an article on the topic of our conference for Friday
and Saturday. Please check it out...Many of the films we discuss at the
conference are touched upon superficially....Come to the 10-12 November
meeting to get into depth.
A full program is on the Film & History Web site...Check it out!!
The conference is in Northern Los Angeles and there is a credit
option from the co-sponsor, California State U-Northridge. Credit
contact is Pattie McDaniel [log in to unmask]
Be there or be square!
Peter Rollins, Host and Editor, Film & History his
<A HREF="">Click here: Hail
to the Chief: From TV to Hollywood, the Demystification of the President
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: