Re: query: BBC adaptations
Mon, 14 Jul 2008 19:13:02 +0100
I can't tell you about what PBS does to their programming, but it is worth
pointing out that "Foyle's War" is not a BBC drama, but shows on ITV1, the
main British commercial channel. It is, therefore, written with commercial
breaks designed in, whereas a BBC drama will not have commercial breaks.
While some current BBC programming is clearly written and produced with at
least some form of an act structure in mind which makes it easier to
introduce commercial breaks, most of it is not.
An episode of "Foyle's War" in the UK runs two hours including commercials.
How long does a PBS screening run?
Hope some of that is of use or interest!
On 14/7/08 14:24, "Frank, Michael" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> a question about PBS "masterpiece" presentations of BBC material [with the
> usual apologies for duplication]
> i chanced last night to watch the PBS "masterpiece mystery" presentation of an
> episode from the BBC's "foyle's war" series, and there were some aspects of
> the narrative structure of the program that seemed to me very peculiar . . . .
> it's possible that the beeb [with whose programs i'm largely unfamiliar] uses
> a different model of narrative organization than i'm used to -- but i suppose
> it's also possible that PBS re-edited the program [for audience and/or time
> considerations] and that some of the things i noticed were distortions of the
> original . . .
> so . . . does anyone know whether PBS mucks around with beeb originals before
> presenting them, or whether they are presented in substantially original form?
> thanks for any clues
> mike
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