SCREEN-L Archives

December 1995, Week 2


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"Ana M. Lopez" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Dec 1995 04:22:20 -0600
text/plain (51 lines)
Here are some addresses and hints:
Frances Salome Espana: PO Box 4044 Alhambra CA 91803 (213) 881-9454.
Lourdes Portillo: Xochitl Films 981 Esmeralda Street San Francisco CA 94110
(415) 255-7399 fax:(415) 255-7704
You should also contact Sylvia Morales: Sylvan Productions 12104 Washington
Place Los Angeles CA 90066 (310) 391-0070.
Take a look at Rosa Linda Fregoso's book from the University of Minnesotta
Press *The Bronze Screen* and Chon Noriega's *Chicano Cinema* (from U of
Minn press also). Finally, if you want to contact either one of the authors,
Fregoso is at the University of California, Irvine (driving distance from
LA) and Noriega is at UCLA.
Hope this is of help.
>I am doing a research and a radioprogramme about chicana identity and
>its representation in films. I am not so interested in mainstream
>films, but alternative films. What have chicanas, mexicanas and
>anglo women done to resist stereotypes?
>I am going to Los Angeles to interview filmmakers, but I do not have
>anybody's addresses.
>Do you know how to contact chicana filmmakers (e.g., Lourdes
>Portillo, Salome Espana) or director of My Crazy Life?
>Any information would be helpful
>Thank you
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Ana M Lopez
Department of Communication
219 Newcomb Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
[log in to unmask]
fax: (504) 524-5109
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