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October 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Susan C Courtney <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 31 Oct 1994 13:23:50 -0800
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (31 lines)
On Mon, 31 Oct 1994, Krin Gabbard wrote:
> Has anyone mentioned _One Potato Two Potato_ and _Night of the Quarter Moon_?
> Both of these are fascinating problem films, especially for anyone writing the
> history of racial representation in the movies.
Actually, in the last several months I've been putting together my
dissertation prospectus on interracial desire in Hollywood film and I
just recently got back from UCLA where I screened many relevant films,
including _Night of the Quarter Moon_, which I found amazing.  I've been
trying to track down _One Potato Two Potato_, but I've had no luck. I'm
wondering if you, Krin, or anyone else, knows where either of these films
could be gotten on videotape, or even where a print of _One Potato Two
Potato_ lives. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
I'm looking at interracial fantasies over a large historical period,
silents to 70s, in hopes of tracking how they work and shift not only in
imagining and constructing race, but also gender, and especially the
relations between these two.
I'm currently swamped and pressed for time, but I'm also curious to learn
more about Amy Dean's project, and would love to hook up with anyone
working on this or related topics.  I know of Marchetti's recent book,
_Romance and the "Yellow Peril"_ on Asian-Caucasian couples, and am
familiar with Rogin and Higashi's essays on _The Birth of a Nation_ and
_The Cheat_ respectively, but I'm curious about any other work being done.
Susan Courtney
Dept. of Rhetoric
UC Berkeley