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October 1994


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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Jajasoon Tlitteu <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 29 Oct 1994 01:28:15 -0500
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (29 lines)
>Why can't we just let people be people? And if people make false judgements
>about you - even if they are in your favor - why not correct them, through
>words and actions, and define yourself as you like. Arguably, OJ did it.
>Michael Jackson has certainly done it. Why can't we?
>J Roberson
And we can all stand around the campfire singing Kumbaya as one big happy
pluralistic (read white) society.  Put on your reality hat for a minute, J.
 OJ's definition of himself really held up well, didn't it?  How about MJ,
who tries to define himself as white (up to requesting that a white child
actor play him in a Jackson 5 documentary) and we all just accept that
definition and never question his motives or think he's a lunatic or a
child molester, etc.?
As long as white's dominate, blacks can be whatever they wan't, as long as
"black" is part of that definition and that part can be asserted when
necessary by the dominant culture.  If you really think that any blacks (or
any other visible "other") can control their own racial identity fully,
wake up!  What society do you live in?
jajasoon tlitteu  ([log in to unmask])
"Academic training was instrumental.  You have to understand the language
of society before you can start stretching and subverting it and ripping
and tearing it and burning it and watching the plastic drip on the ants."