I have found the discussion dealing with "women" in american films to be quite
interesting. I may be wrong and please forgive me if I am, but have most of the
postings been made my the men on the list? I would like to see some more
women come forward on this particular subject. I think we will see some very
diverse opinions. :-)
I do not find women toting guns and being macho disturbing. What I deteste
is the portrayal of women with strong sexual drives and desires as psychotic
and or murderers! What is this saying? Sexuality = Mental Illness?????
Glenn Close, _Fatal Attraction_, Sharon Stone, _Basic Instinct_ and Madonna,
_Body of Evidence_. These are only the obvious choices. Any others?
Helen Mellett "The eyes of others our prisons;
Reference Services Librarian their thoughts our cages."
North Central College ---Virginia Woolf
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